Lead acid batteries use constant current, constant voltage charging method.
Lead Acid Battery Charging Method Lead acid batteries use constant current, constant voltage charging method. With a regulated current, it raises the terminal voltage until the upper charge voltage limit is reached, at which point the charge current decreases with charge. Lead acid batteries take a slow time to fully charge and cannot be charged as quickly as other battery systems.
The charging stages of the lead acid battery are shown in Figure 2.5. Zone 1 is charged in three stages as constant current load for charging lead acid batteries, zone 2 additional charging and zone 3 float charging.
Constant current charging applies most of the charge required to fill and takes about half of the mandatory charging time. Additional charge continues at a lower charge current and provides full saturation. The float, or buoyancy charge, compensates for the losses caused by self-discharge. During constant current charging, the battery charges up to about 70 percent. The remaining 30 percent is recharged with a recharge charge.
Şekil 2.5 : Kurşun asit akü şarj aşamaları [19].